Size of the accommodation, in square metres
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Size of the accommodation, in square metres
Person's age (in years)
Basic income provided to adults
Amount of the basic income
Housing allowance amount (as a fraction of the rent)
Birth date
Actual amount available to the person at the end of the month
Age of majority (in years)
Age of retirement (in years). In French âge de la retraite (en années).
All the people in a family or group who live together in the same place.
Housing allowance
Legal housing situation of the household concerning their main residence
Tax paid by each household proportionally to the size of its accommodation
Income tax
Pension for the elderly. Pension attribuée aux personnes âgées. تقاعد.
An individual. The minimal legal entity on which a legislation might be applied.
Postal code of the household
Rent paid by the household
Progressive contribution paid on salaries to finance social security
Minimal amount due for the housing tax
Housing tax due per square meter.
Income tax rate
Social security contribution tax scale
Sum of the benefits perceived by a household
Sum of the taxes paid by a household